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Monday May 19th: Mercury-Venus-Saturn Yod and the Silent Authority of the Highest Self and the Beloved in All Things

 We are in the middle of a huge Saturn yod (base = Venus (feminine/charm/magic/mystique) + Mercury (Communication/Lower Mind), fundamentally challenging our conception of and relationship with AUTHORITY figures, from patriarchy to our false images of G-d to our own father to our Husband/Lover-Ruler archetype … out of this we will emerge entirely Subervient to our Own HIghest self which seamlessly submits to all Windows of Opportunity presented to it Lovingly from the Creator, the Image of the Beloved Beholden in Everything




7:59pm 5/18 Mercury (gemini) quincunx Saturn (19)

2:50pm Venus (aries) quincunx Saturn (19)

6:32pm PST Mars goes direct

5/20 7:58pm Sun enters Gemini (Pleiadean conjunction)

July 31: Aries Uranus square Cancer Mars and the 13th Gate of Prayer

Aries Uranus square Cancer Mars on Wednesday night (8pm PST):

Cancer Mars has been helping us move ahead from the past constructively. With a square to Uranus, we may develop a vision of how powerful we could be were we to truly stand as we are in relation to all that comes before us in our DNA and psyche. Yet it is the plan of the heavenly forces to assist us in becoming who we are in the context of the collective, to become the newest, most beautiful branch on the family tree, but always to remain connected, and through this, to uplift everything and everyone in our journeys.

The square occurs at 12 Aries / 12 Cancer. 12 is the number of the tribes of Israel, the gateways through which prayer ascends from the earthly to heavenly realms. It is taught that each tribe has a unique gate through which the prayers of its children ascend. In addition, there is a 13th gate through which all those who have lost their way can enter. Tonight is a time both to offer the prayer of the lost princess, bearing no sign of royalty but the love of the King in her heart; and also a time to seek out the gate particular to our individual soul, the one that opens when we stand as we are.

While the 13th gate is an opening of mercy, for those who have forgotten where they come from, in the future times, there will be only 12 gates to Jerusalem. This is because in our redeemed state we know who we are, the origin of our soul, and the tribe of our origins. This variety is part of the oneness we become and the divinity inside that we manifest.

October 28th 2011 and the Culmination of the Mayan Calendar in Astrology

Today (Friday) is the first day of the dawning of unity consciousness that has never been experienced before–not even by the Divine itself. The awareness that will unfold in the coming moments, hours, days, weeks, months and years is the culmination of all of human history and the very purpose of Creation. Let’s take a look at the chart for this momentous day (noon, 28 October 2011, Jerusalem):

A few comments on the chart:

1) Neptune and Chiron in 1st first house: If this was a person’s chart, I would say that this person’s identity will be excavated only through deep processes of spiritual healing, in which spiritual growth accelerates healing and vice versa, throughout life, while all the time amassing robustness of personality and self-knowledge, even though they may be delayed until the fruits of healing blossom. This person’s sense of self in this sense would be almost retrospective, realizing who they have become, only in light of how far they have come, while the needle-point of their personality in this moment will be a sort of blind spot, hidden by the burden of soul demands and healing processes churning deep within almost incessantly. Since we are talking about a global scale, and not just an individual person, we may say that the changes which are going to be taking place during this time may happen with an initial lack of self-consciousness, in the sense that they may whisk us away into new modes of being without our even realizing the massive tidal waves of change taking place within and without. It’s almost as if the news will be reporting that a new dawn has broken, but it will be in the guise of normalcy, such that only if we painstakingly compare one moment to the next we will realize the magnitude of what is taking place. This comparing however, is altogether unneccessary, as the level of self-consciousness that we are used to having of events and change is miniscule compared to the awareness that is being birthed through the changes that are unfolding. In other words, it may be better if we do not take diligent notes of what is happening, because the ‘we’ that is taking these notes is exactly what is dissolving into purer form. We will not lose our individuality, in the same way that a person with Neptune and Chiron in the 1st does not lose themselves; rather, the reigns are given over to the deeper, wiser and eternal forces that stimulate expansion and healing. The fact that Chiron is in Pisces only accentuates the fogginess that will be felt, but the guideline is the same: there is a light that is strong enough to shine in this fog, and that is what we are looking for, rather than try to make our dim lights try to penetrate that which is more refined, we keep our eyes out for the rays that carry the vibration of all that we are yearning for and all that we have been promised for eternity.

2) Neptune and Chiron opposite Mars in Leo in the 7th house: Counter to the sense of losing ourself in foggy, confused, amorphous anticipation is a strong, direct and bold desire to exert ourselves and be seen, to shine in our glory and to move forward with precision and selfhood. Could these two impulses be any more opposed? Not really. Moreover, they are both aggravated by an incessant probing energy, seeking to go deeper and deeper into every conflict, tension and potential minefield, by the Mercury-Venus-Moon stellium in Scorpio (10th house). Deep emotional and mental probing, questioning and circling, a loss of a limited sense of self in the onset of higher dimensions of being and becoming, and a persistent desire to be seen, accepted and loved for all that we are–these make up the heated T-square of the day. The answer to balancing these energies may life in the realms of creativity and grounding, embodied by Taurus in the 4th house of home, and Gemini in the 5th house of creativity and children. Strive to be like a child, give up trying to take notes and keep track, be who you are in the moment with less censorship, and let the processes carry themselves out. You may find that traditional, biologically-evolutionary linked activities such as cooking, cleaning, putting things in their place, marking territory, and gathering with your tribe, are comforting and reassuring. Just be sure to let your streak of individuality reign free in all that you do. This will be your breath of fresh air, in every moment.

3) Saturn in Libra may be what saves the day, exerting an all-too-necessary force of restraint and balance on these pressure points in the chart. Everything is being weighed and accounted for, everything is finding its place — parts of ourselves within, parts of our lives, nations across the world, and all the words themselves. While our instinct may be to accelerate all forces of healing and probe to the depths and salvage all that we can, there is a force in the background that is ever-present and ever-aware of the natural place of all things, of the perfection of being that vibrates calmly and radiates balance and harmony. Because of this, all of our busy-bee running around may be necessary to prove to ourselves that something is happening…but once we realize and affirm the newness of what is becoming, then everything may in fact become quite calm. Almost like a two-year-old having a tantrum; the moment they realize that they are seen, they can revert to carefree joy and content as if nothing had ever ticked them in the first place. Find your pillars and stability and stillness–these as always will be precious footholds on the mountain stretching up to the heavens before you.

Blessings on your journey,
