Blog Archives

New special: Fusion snapshots


I am currently offering snapshot readings offering a fusion of Kabbalistic astrology based on the Hebrew calendar and Western zodiac astrology based on the alignment of planets at the time of your birth. While a traditional reading with this vast quantity of input can amount to several pages or several hours of discussion, I have decided to offer you the “best hits” of such a reading on a donation basis. If you are interested in receiving such a snapshot at this time, you may privately e-mail me your birth information (date, time, city) or post it below. All readings will be e-mailed privately. Please indicate if I can post your reading anonymously in the Samples section for the educational benefit of other readers.



Pluto transits and the wheel of transformation

When transiting Pluto forms aspects to our natal planets, we can feel a powerful undercurrent of transformation rock an area of our life that we were sure stood steady. Pluto is best at pointing out the deepest layers of hypocrisy, self-escape, or hidden insecurities and instead exposing our vulnerabilities, re-igniting unmet dreams and buried parts of our identity, and unearthing discontinuities between our deepest, highest selves and the way in which we have lived our lives up until this point. Pluto’s methods are aimed at total, uncompromising revealing of all truths–kind of like a surprise police search–which can be completely unsetting and even frightening, as there are no more drawers, cabinets and safes in which the ego can hide; all has been opened, and almost violated. Yet in this case the means justify the ends: Pluto is constantly moving towards and is guided by the unwavering urge to manifest that which is most precisely aligned with the soul’s essence and life purpose.

With Pluto presently at 4 Capricorn, this transit will have a particularly strong effect on those with their sun, rising sign, or key planets in the opening arc of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn). As Pluto aligns with our natal planets, it unearths all the dirt that has accumulated in the recesses and clears the channel between us and our planets. Even if a certain planet has brought us a lot of blessings, those blessings can only be fully integrated into our personalities and brought into the world if they are pure, that is, if they are deeply and authentically aligned with our true self. And if we need a refresher on who our true self is, Pluto is happy to provide it, although the void may come before the answer. What’s important to remember in a Pluto transit is that destruction is the basis for rebuilding, darkness precedes light, and void opens the space for Life.

Are you curious how Pluto’s transit through Capricorn is affecting your own birth planets? Feel free to post your birth time and place and/or your planets’ coordinates if you know them, and I’ll offer what I can see through my own study and intuition. Also feel free to share whatever you wish about current issues you are facing and resolutions you are seeking.

