Monthly Archives: November 2014

Nov. 30-Dec 2: The Festival of Liberation, when darkness begins to give way to light

Huge astrological changes 12/4, 12/14, 12/16-24, 12/31-1/5/15. And it all begins 12/1. There are many different prophecies converging.

December 1st: Sun at fixed star Antares, metamorphosis. Moon conjunct Uranus at 12 Aries, square Pluto at 12 Capricorn. 2 weeks to exact Pluto-Uranus square.


Tonight 11/30-12/2 also begins the “Festival of Liberation” of 9-10 Kislev, annually prior to the Sagittarius full moon:


“We should utilize this most propitious and favorable occasion by increasing our efforts to further advance and speed the coming of the true and complete Redemption.”

After this point in the year darkness gives way to light – towards the eight flames of Chanukah, which contain the light from before creation preserved behind the facade of separation for the righteous, the true Illumined!




New Years Day 2015 Grand Cardinal cross with Sirius and the north node

On New Years Day, January 1, 2015, the sun in Capricorn will be opposite the star Sirius in Cancer, and the north node in Libra will be opposite Uranus, these two oppositions forming a relatively rare grand cardinal cross with deep evolutionary, karmic and esoteric charge since it involves the north node, designating our soul’s evolutionary journey, and the star Sirius, connected to our galactic origins and destiny. It would be a day fitting for ‘disclosure’ between our inner and outer mind.


*Thanks to Maribell Caban for her insight as well

Also on 1/1/15, Saturn will be exactly opposite the moon at the star Alcyone in the Pleadies which is thought to be the origin of manh of the ascended masters who have visited our plane, suggesting that our inner Shaman is prepared to rise to our inner stage and lead valiantly in the inner battle for which we have been selected and for which we have volunteered.


The midpoint of the blood moon eclipse sequence of 2014-2015 (and on a larger scale, 2010-2019) falls just four days later on 1/5/15. One’s and five’s everywhere – 2015 appeared etched in for Unity and Shift primarily originating within where we have etchings of the cosmos engraved in our soul. Five suggests later in the year the shift will be evidenced externally – whether this is positive or negative depends on how we work with the energy in the former part of the year.


Your success is guaranteed!
