June 19-23: Jupiter/Sun alignment, Summer Solstice, June Supermoon: A 2013 Watershed Moment


Earlier today we experienced a conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter across from the galactic center. On Thursday night the sun enters Cancer, marking the solstice and the longest day and proximity to the Sun. On Sunday, we will have a supermoon in Capricorn.

The alignment, solstice and full moon are shaping up to be a watershed moment for what has been building since the winter solstice and what remains to be brought to light.

To learn how the alignments affect your personal soul trajectory, find where the degrees 28 Gemini and 3 Capricorn appear in your own chart, or ask me for a reading or to get you started.

Leave your anonymous birth info in the comments section below, or send me an email (see Contact section). I will need your birth day, time and place. Readings for this transit series available through the end of June.

Please consider making a donation after your reading if you would like to exchange the energy.

Due to the high volume of requests, readings will be posted within 36 hours of posting. Thanks for understanding!

If you would like a full reading instead, please refer to my Specials. You may also request a full reading after your mini-reading, and deduct your donation from the full price. No one turned away for lack of funds; all services offered with abounding love and service!

Posted on June 19, 2013, in cosmic clock, Daily forecasts, Jupiter, Mini-readings, Month by Month, moon, Transits and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 77 Comments.

  1. birth date 10/21/1947, i don’t have time of birth anymore.

    • Hi Penny,
      The Jupiter-Sun conjunction occurred right next to your natal Uranus. You may have experienced a surge of insight or inspiration from higher consciousness, which you will be able to integrate into your lower mind over the summer months and through the winter solstice. You may also experience during this time a surge of spontaneity and a drive to express your own uniqueness. Go for it. For more I will need a birth time.

  2. kathy collins

    birthdate 6/23/1960..in ky..at 6;16 pm on a Thursday~

    • Hi Kathy,
      You have planets in your chart that are in the same place as the alignments this weekend, and this will be a powerful time for you. You have the sun and moon in your 7th house, and relationships and the way in which you step out of yourself is a key part of your identity. At the same time you have Jupiter in the 1st house, in your house of self, creating expansion in your own personality and identity. This balance of self and other may at times be challenging, as these planets are in opposition. This weekend you have some new resources to work with this energy. First, you have Jupiter and the sun bringing new energy into your relationships, a process which will continue throughout the year. The solstice will help you take the work you have done on an inner level out into the world. The full moon will occur right next to your natal Jupiter, and your inner guides may become ever-present. Pluto has been transiting through your 1st house, and the transformation you are experiencing will begin to crystallize. As long as you balance your own expansion and your desire to find yourself through connection, this will be a time of growth all-around.

  3. 03/24/1981 10:13AM Chicago, Thanks!

    • Hi Mark,

      You have an opposition in your chart between some powerful planets in the area of your career and some challenging and positive forces in the area of your home and family life. An opposition is a challenge to make these parts of your life work together in a way that will push your own evolution forward. You have Chiron in the 11th house in Taurus and may have a wound from home or your own sense of feeling settled and steady. A key resource in this picture is Uranus at 29 Sagittarius in your 6th house, which brings adventure, creativity, and spontaneity into the way that you work and lead your daily life. Try to find the uniqueness of every moment and how the highest lessons of the divine are embedded in our everyday lives. It your destiny to feel comfortable and settled in the physical world and to take delight in simple pleasures.

      The solstice is occurring right at your ascendant, and thus marks a time of your going inwards into your own being, taking stock of the past half year and setting up the structures that will help you in going forward. The sun and Jupiter at your ascendant on Thursday blessed you with charm and grace that you will have by your side for some time to come. The full moon will be occurring at your descendent in the area of relationships, and you could experience a growth spurt in your marriage or business dealings. Something that has been hidden could come to light in a big way. Remember that self and other, home and career, are two sides of the same coin, and that the only tension that exists is within yourself, which you are bound to harmonize in a cosmic manner.


  4. Energies around me feel crazy right now (mostly in beautifully beneficial, growth-oriented ways), and I would love some additional insight into my celestial connections, as my sun and ascendant are in Capricorn and Gemini, respectively.

    I was born in Bellflower, CA on 25 December 1974 at 3:45 pm (15:45).

    Thank you so much for your care and attention.
    Talk with you very soon, I hope.

    • Hi Cerulleal,
      Jupiter and the sun combining forces and the solstice transition are all occurring in your 1st house of self, which could explain all the extra energy abounding. A lot is coming through and it will seep in to your awareness over the course of the next half year as Jupiter continues to expand your being. Jupiter is a positive planet for you at the top of your chart in Pisces, trine Saturn in Cancer. Your Jupiter is also being blessed now by the healing energies of Chiron and Neptune in Pisces, and you have a great deal of healing energies coming through. Your midheaven is right at 0 degrees Pisces which could also set you on the path of a healer in the world. You have Chiron in the 11th and may be in the process of alchemizing past wounds having to do with the age you were in or your acceptance amongst peer groups. The moon in the 12th house at 22 deg 22″ brings you vast sources of intuition from the seat of your own soul in the upper worlds. She may communicate to you through dreams, and you may have an ability to see into other dimensions (Venus in 8th). Jupiter is also there in your 10th house of your life-path, blessing these abilities. Uranus in Scorpio in your 5th house lends artistic talent and lightning-speed inspiration into the mystery of your being and that which you are perceiving. A challenge for you could be how to balance your own asceticism with the rich colors you perceive in the higher worlds, or how to balance the energies of a stricter parent with a more relaxed one. Ultimately these challenges will help you balance cosmic energies of withdrawal and expansion, and will help you create a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, bringing up prayers and down blessings. The full moon will be happening conjunct your natal Sun, and your identity, particularly in the form of how you express yourself in partnership, will be revitalized. This is like a gift for your efforts since the solstice, and some secrets of relationship and the merging of two beings could be revealed to you. You also have a remarkable conjunction between the north node, Neptune and Mars all at 10 Sagittarius in your 6th house, and your physical body could have latent powers that could surface by the next solstice. Make sure the physical body, health and the elements are part of your journey. Stay on the path you’re on, and dream big!
      Much love,

  5. 9pm on 8/15/1983. Thank you!

  6. D.O.B is June 28th 1968. Could us a little help with my reading

  7. Hi there- my bday is: 10/22/1971 @ 3:18am, Greenwich, CT

    Thank you!


    • Hi there,
      The Sun-Jupiter conjunction occurred in your 10th house of career, and you could be experiencing some new expansive energy in this field, which will continue to build in the next six months. The full moon will be occurring in the 4th house of home and family and this will mark a new stage of deepening of this part of your life. You may become closer with your mother or a mother figure. The axis of family and career will strengthen over the next six months and growth in one area will complement the other. Your career may have been held back to some degree up until this point due to your natal Saturn sitting at your midheaven. You have a lot of planets in your third house in opposition to Saturn, indicating tension from siblings, neighbors or your own inner conflicts in aspect to the direction in which you are heading. Look for some new energy to open up here, led by the home you are creating for yourself and the path you are destined to forge ahead. Like Abraham you are taking the cosmic journey away from your upbringing and birthplace to “the land which I will show you”, led by Jupiter, king of the sky. You will find Home in the greater sense.

  8. Hi kabalista, December 8 1964, not certain of time but was in eastern standard. Thanks

    • Sorry, city state Waynesboro TN

    • Hi Jeff,
      The Jupiter-sun conjunction happened right on your north node in Gemini. This will be activating your soul’s purpose in a big way. This could have to do with your career, and communication. You have Jupiter at the top of your chart blessing some stellar planets in your first house, all placed in a way that reflects divine order. You have a powerful multifaceted personality, a deep, creative mind, and great potential for success in this world. The full moon will be activating your creative and communicative talents, your personal drive, and wisdom that could flow inside of you from another age. Or, you could find this wisdom personified in someone outside of you, and become inspired. A big part of your life will revolve around merging the powerful and G-d given gifts of your personality, with the more difficult lessons that come from failure, wounds and emotions. You may have some issues around relationships and emotional well-being or health. Try to see the challenges as tools from G-d to have the chance for your strengths to shine even more in the long run. This was true of Abraham the biblical patriarch, whose life of tribulations was testament to his unparalleled strength character.
      Your chart has more to tell – perhaps after I am done with this wave of readings, I can take a further look.

      • Thank you very much Ayala. Yes please, if have time to look further would be much appreciated.

  9. Hi,
    21st October 1971 @ 6:50pm, London, UK

    M V-S

    • Hi M V-S,
      You are an old soul whose physical vessel is carrying many secrets and stories from past lives and other realms. You have a wound however from early life or a past life which is shielding your awareness of your own subconscious and intuitive powers. You will grow immensely and tap into great powers if you explore the mind-body bridge through yoga, dance, exercise in nature, massage, running, you name it, and the more it has to do with the body and bridging mind body and soul the more fruitful it will be. Your career is important to you and you are here as a midwife for the new age of Aquarius. There may be some relationship difficulties and misjudgments that have created some tension. The solstice will be occurring in your second house and you will begin to tap in to the spiritual power embedded in physical objects and nature, a process that will continue through the next six months and help you heal body and soul. The Supermoon will be occurring in your 8th house of reincarnation and the afterlife and you may receive some illumination about the wounds and powers you are carrying. Thus the next six months will be a time for using information that will begin to flow to you from other realms to heal and revitalize your health and well being here and now.
      Take care and good luck,

  10. I’ll be back later tonight, or tomorrow, to do some more. Have a good evening!

  11. md 09/24/1979 Olympia WA 7:34 am

    • Hi myste,

      The solstice and sun-Jupiter conjunction will be occurring just before your midheaven, or where you will make your mark in the world. This is a time when new seeds are planted that will take fruit over the next year when Jupiter moves through Cancer. Your midheaven is in Cancer as well and your work in the world may have something to do with teaching or nurturing others. This is also where you will experience expansion and growth at this time.

      The full moon will be occurring before you Imum Coeli and simultaneously providing you with an illumination about home and family or your origins. You have cancer and Saturn in the 12th house which indicates that you are an old soul and that your own identity may be somewhat eclipsed from your view. The next six months will thus be a journey into the roots of who you are while seeds are being planted for where you are heading.


  12. balbumperchunk

    DOb: Jan 2, 1971
    PLace: Wilkes-Barre, PA
    Time: Unknown

    Many thanks!!

    • Hi there,
      I really need a birth time for this type of reading, since the house system is based on your ascendant which changes every 2 hours throughout the day!
      I can tell you a few things though based on your planetary placements. Your Mercury is right by where the full moon will be on Saturday and Sunday night. Mercury is the planet of mental clarity and communication. You have it in a powerful place in your chart on the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn. It is also however in a challenging position to the moon and Pluto, and your mental state and communication habits could be both an asset and a burden. The full moon will initiate a process during which your mental state can evolve and work harmoniously with your feelings and your subconscious so that your strengths are working together and are not battling it out. You already have many positive planets that give you a deep emotional and intuitive life, and now is time to connect your intellectual and emotional sides. Be careful during the full moon not to get wrapped up in emotional drama or power plays, and practice the kind of serenity and balance that your thoughts can provide. You have many powerful planets in emotional Scorpio, but your Capricorn Sun and Aquarius node will appreciate the balance and poise that you will find by gaining control of your mental state and balancing your emotional depth.

  13. Me – 24/05/1984, 20:55pm, Sydney
    My Man – 26/05/1983, 12:15noon, Shellharbour
    We broke up on Monday.. 😦

    • Hello dear, You and he have quite a lot in common (not only your birthdays), and I can see how this is painful! If it really is over, I can tell you this: the solstice is occurring just past the point in your charts where you have so much in common – shared wounds, shared nature. You both have Chiron conjunct Sun, indicating a wound that your ego could be in the way of fully healing, or your sense of self could be lost in the struggle not to hurt. It is possible that you and he were a support system for each other, that is no longer needed (easy for the universe to say!) It could be this is something that is being left on the other side of the precipice of where we are heading – forward through 2013. His life path/career is being activated, and you are two different – if not incompatible – types of lovers. For him the solstice is pulling him outwards; for you it is about your immediate surroundings and what you have already. Your long-term relationship stability days are still ahead of you, and Jupiter’s transit through Cancer next year will get you all ready. You are also in the midst of a Saturn return, the 28.5 year cycle that brings about a dropping away of everything and a forced complete overhaul and rebirth of your being, bringing you to be even more essentially and powerfully you. Everything that happens during this year is your toolbox to get there, even if it is brutal to the structures on which you have come to depend both inside and out. Please find time to pray, and care for your physical and spiritual needs, in the period ahead, as you will have a lot of activity on the axis of your personal well-being and your subconscious and intuitive realms. There is no one who knows what is good for you better than you yourself, and you will learn to tap in to and heed this voice. Hang in there, and know, many good things lie ahead!

      • Thank you sooooo much!!! It’s such a relief to hear insight on what was going on with us. He was in love with me for 10 years. It was the most incredible love I had ever been met with. We lasted 7 months, it is a short period of time, it was incredibly intense, and something happened in his life & changed him, we fell apart, as he couldn’t move forward. I’m happy to hear that the solstice will make that happen for him. When he radiates, his Leo asc shines so bright, but when he’s sad, his scorp moon was a black hole… I feel more at peace now.. Love of the heart is beautiful, despite incompatibilities. Massive thanks and I will donate in respect for your time & effort xxx

      • You are very welcome Sophia. His north node or soul trajectory was right under the Sun-Jupiter conjunction, so he does have that opportunity to move forward. Hopefully he will heed the call! Love of the heart IS beautiful and it is clear from your words that you are taking the best with you.. it is true.. what we love stays with us and is a part of us, and on a soul level, we all stay connected, and your thoughts have power. Keep your gaze forward and hang on for the ride, the full moon has some secrets to share with us too! The full moon will be right on your Neptune in 12th, very magical.

      • Thank you again for the insight & beautiful words from the heart 🙂 I am moving forward as best as I can, as I realise that these things happen for a reason. When I looked at his solar return for this year (2013/2014) I got a bit worried about all the planets in the 6th house, an Saturn (by memory?) in the 11th. But if you’re saying the growth will come from his job then I think I’m getting perhaps a better understanding now (instead of being worried about typical 6th house health issues), as you said, we have been a support to each other a long time, and I’m more in tune than he is so I know I’m well supported, even if it hurts so bad. Thank you again for your time & reply 🙂 I really am sooo grateful that someone offers a service like this, I give energy healings for free for friends so it’s so nice to see that someone also gives because they love & live what they do not for the money but for the service 🙂

  14. Australia – sorry. Thank you so much for your time ❤

  15. Ryan Grooms (female-if that matters)

    July 8, 1985 1:30 don’t remember if it was am or pm Cincinnati, ohio – North America. Thanks so much 🙂

  16. Hey there. Love your site and would like some help. Born at 9 AM in San Angelo, TX on 8/23/92.

    • Matt,

      The full moon will be occurring right near your north node at 28 Sagittarius. This is one degree away from the Galactic Center which is the navel of our universe, which factored into Mayan astronomy and calculating this time as a rebirth. Your north node is your soul’s trajectory in this lifetime and also indicates the greater trajectory of your soul through many lifetimes. It is located just a degree away from this navel point of the entire universe. This suggests that you are homeward bound and very far along in your evolution. You may also have elements of a new soul, here not to correct yourself as much as shed light for others to see. You have many intuitive gifts that are almost innate, as if you developed them while in the womb. All of this will be activated or energized with this full moon as well. Another reason you could be here now, is to heal a wound from the past Golden Age (Chiron in Leo), which is in tension with an authoritative or restrictive force in Aquarius. There is something about this age which has long been feared, and you are carrying this for some reason. Your soul may have been traumatized by the loss incurred at the sinking of the last golden age. Or, you may be here to provide vital lessons that you are uniquely endowed with seeing and predicting because of your experience. You are aware of the danger of the misuse of power but also you remember the wisdom of the sages who led civilization in times past. You may play a leadership role in this new age, but you will learn many lessons and put in great effort before this comes to fruition. This will heal you from what you are carrying from before. The combination of youth and sage that your soul DNA is carrying is unique. This next year will provide some opportunities to begin your work in the world around communication, and you will feel how this resonates with the things you long for and that which you know is approaching. Good luck to you! ~ Ayala

      • Ayala,

        Thank you so much for your detailed and insightful reading. I sent a donation your way – hope it helps. I find it very interesting that the full supermoon will be occurring near my north node. I never knew that it was so close to the center of the universe – I feel that I am homeward bound… makes me happy to hear that, thank you. Your reading resonates with much that is hidden within my subconscious in regards to my soul trajectory over my past lives. I’ve always felt that I am an old soul, with access to wisdom that most do not yet have. I have an intuitive ability to sense people’s emotions and sometimes it can be overwhelming if I’m surrounded by a lot of people. I also am very gifted at healing; it has been a primary focus of mine since the doctors of this age don’t seem to have a clue what they are doing. I would love to hear more about my wound from the past Golden Age. I am very interested in past life regressions, and I have not yet tried one. I have always been highly confused and curious about the realm that we find ourselves present in. So much misuse of power, both in our governments and with our religious/spiritual institutions. I wish that the power was with a council of elders, as it was in previous ages and on other planets. I cannot help but feel partially responsible for this paradigm. Hopefully the new age will bring changes. I have felt sick, my mother too, almost like we are sea sick. Threw up pretty hard night before last, even though I had a nutritious and balanced meal. Wonder if this astrological alignment is related? Thank you!! -Matt

      • Ayala,

        I confirmed my birth time with my mother and I was off by 56 minutes, my apologies. I was actually born at 9:56 AM. Could you please give me an updated reading? Thank you so much.

      • Hi Matt,
        Your north node is still right at 28 Sagittarius and your other planets in their places. Sometimes an hour affects the house placements, but in this case your reading was based more on the planets’ placements in signs, which shift over longer periods of time. Thank you so much for your feedback. Everything you say confirms the reading, and maybe I’ll have a chance to take another look at your chart in light of what you said. Feel free to be in touch by e-mail. Best to you, Ayala

      • Ayala,

        Thank you so much. Will stay in touch. Much love. -Matt

  17. Here’s my info if you have a chance: Dec. 9 1971; Norwich CT, USA; 11:56pm EST. Thanks!

    • Hi Kristen,
      You have the moon, Pluto and Uranus in your first house of self, giving your personality an unpredictable, multifaceted nature. You have Saturn at 1 Gemini near your midheaven, and you have a lot of discipline to move slowly but steadily and thoroughly towards your goals. You are your hardest judge! You now have the sun and Jupiter moving through your tenth house of career, and new opportunities could open up for growth and expansion. The full moon is happening in your fourth house of the origins of your soul and your home life. There is some story here, as many planets are clustered around your fourth house cusp, including your sun, your life force and vitality. Knowing your origins on a genealogical, cultural, historical, spiritual and galactic level will greatly enrich your path. You have Chiron in Aries and may have a wound around leading others from a past life. You have Mars on the descendant and are seeking the best way to express your drive in relation to others. Relationships may be rocky right now, but ultimately you will find the answer of how to balance surrender and action inside of your relationships, and you will be a source of great love when you find this sweet spot.
      Good luck,

      • Thanks, Ayala, for your insight. You brought up a couple of things that were interesting for me. First, you mentioned the sun and Jupiter going through my tenth house. I am seriously looking to change careers, and now I know this is in my chart right now. Second, you mentioned knowing my origins- it’s funny, because my paternal grandfather is unknown to us, and my father is actively trying to find him. Also, in a sense, I have been trying to figure out who I am my entire life. We all do, but it’s something that has always had extra meaning for me. Again, thanks for your reply!

      • Hi Kristen,
        Thank you for the feedback. Your midheaven is in Gemini and your north node in Aquarius, so something in the field of communicating across frontiers could appeal to you. That’s very interesting about your grandfather. I’ve had a lot of fun with ancestry.com myself. With sun conjunct your Imum Coeli, knowing where you come from – on many levels – and knowing who you are, will be connected. It’s no accident too that the part of a chart that represents our origins and the part that represents our career are complimentary. Digging into who you are through the past activates the axis of career as well, and all of this is what has been stimulated by the solstice & supermoon. Very exciting!

  18. Hello. Love your site and would like some help. Born at 9 PM in Abilene, TX on 07/19/93.

    • Hi Devric,
      You have Jupiter and Uranus at 19 Capricorn in the 12th house, indicating advanced intuitive and psychic abilities worth developing, even if they remain discrete. How you balance physical and spiritual, mind and body, is central for you. You may want to explore disciplines that merge the two, such as healing crystals, massage, yoga, nutrition, and ways to experience spiritual power in the physical vessel. Your work in the world will be aligned with your higher calling and could follow a great transformation. You have an angel, perhaps a loved one who has passed, who is communicating with you, and your creative life could help you tune in to this. The solstice could bring about new creative energies, and the full moon could help you ground them with new people in your life.

  19. Hi! I would love a reading! I just spent time in the full moonlight on lake Michigan…. It was amazing! My birthday info is: July 24, 1978 @2:13am in sturgis Michigan. Thanks soo much in advance!

    • Hi Cheri,

      Moonlight on Lake Michigan sounds divine 🙂

      Your Chiron is in the 12th house, indicating a wound buried deep in your subconscious, or from a past life. Your moon is at the top of your chart, providing you with emotional intelligence and an intuitive sense which your friends benefit from immensely. Your mental abilities are sharp and your qualities of understanding, perceptiveness, mental quickness and creativity are where you shine. You have Saturn in the 4th house indicating that you strongly feel your connection to home, here or in another world, and this carries with it a sense of maturity and responsibility. Your north node is in the fifth house, and it is important for you to find your own voice and unleash your creative spirit, and you have a lot of energy and drive to do so.

      You have Neptune in the 7th house which opens you up deeply to another person in the area of committed relationships. It is important however that this does not eclipse your own drive and individuality. Ultimately relationships can be very transformative for you. The full moon occurred near your Neptune in the 8th house, and could be bringing up karmic lessons that you are ready to learn. Knowing more about your soul’s journey through lifetimes will ultimately enrich you in the present, and you could have a gift for “feeling” other realms.

      Jupiter’s transit through Cancer in the coming year will bring you many blessings, and will conjunct your natal Jupiter in a year’s time, which will be a period of great clarity, expansion and fortitude.


  20. 11/27/93, 11:53 am, WI

    • Hi Sonny,

      You have four planets and your north node in the 9th house of your chart, which is the house of study and travel. You are a Sagittarius with a good dose of Scorpio as well. Your life purpose will be fulfilled through the exploration of new territory either through travel or through intellectual exploration, for which you have many gifts, including a penetrating mind, a highly developed aesthetic sense, inspiration, and mental quickness. You have Uranus and Neptune conjunct in your 12th house which gives you intuitive and psychic abilities that will enhance your studies. These could be studies of the occult or metaphysical subjects. You have some sort of block in the development of your personal identity and you may identify with the collective or a past life more than your individuality. You also have some emotional rockiness that can get in the way of keeping your mind still for your studies and ventures. You will need to learn how to study for the sake of study and not for any recognition from your peers as you may be ahead of your time. Nonetheless your career may have something to do with your exploration. Ultimately the material will help you find yourself, but you will need to put your own satisfaction on hold and be open to other realms, where your attention is in high demand. The full moon may bring new people into your life, and the solstice will unleash your creativity, which you will continue to explore in the year to come.

  21. Maria Corazon Natividad F. Figueroa

    Hi, my birthday is September 8, 1972, 5:20 am, Bacolod City, Philippines

    • Hi Maria,
      You have four planets in your first house of self, giving you a strong personality and identity. You have a spiritual, creative mind, and you may experience dreams or visions. You have an angel by your side from a past life, or your mother could be an angelic force in your life. This is where the full moon is occurring, and you could experience her energy more closely during this time. Your north node is in your 5th house, and art and music could be connected to your soul’s purpose. Your Chiron is in the 8th house and you could be here to heal from a past wound. You have Saturn in the 10th house and after much struggle you could gain a position of authority. The solstice and Sun-Jupiter bond occurred in your 10th house and delivered some blessings which could push your career and social life forward. You have many gifts and spiritual forces helping you on your path.

  22. july 12, 1963 8:05 AM Tucson, Arizona


    • Hi Julie,
      You have four planets in your 11th house, and your friends are a major part of your life and of your identity. This is also the area where your soul will grow and expand. Jupiter and the Sun were conjunct in this part of the chart, and Jupiter will continue to bring blessings and new opportunities through your social circles. With Neptune at your Imum Coeli, you have a connection with your past lives and this openness to other realms, which may also give you gifts in music and art, are a part of who you are and with whom you connect and share. You have the Moon at 0 Aries, the first degree of the zodiac, in your 8th house of reincarnation, and you could be here as a lightworker to lift the vibration of those around you. You have Uranus and Pluto in the first house giving great depth and originality to your personality. The full moon is calling you to unleash your creativity.
      Enjoy these times,

  23. Jan. 1st, 1982, 5:15 p.m., Sioux Falls, SD ❤

    • Hi SR,
      Your north node is in Cancer in the first house. You are here to reconnect with the goddess and to channel the divine feminine through your own strengths and gifts. Jupiter’s transit through Cancer will increase the goddess energy in the world at large. You have many planets in the fourth house which could indicate strong past lives of a more masculine nature. With Venus in the 8th house in Aquarius, you are being guided by great women and sacred muses of the past to bring forth beauty in this age. You have gifts of creativity and a strong individualistic streak. You are motivated by a sense of service and have a strong work ethic. With the moon at your midheaven in Pisces, your career will involve sharing your creative gifts through the world. The solstice is upgrading your subconscious realms. The full moon is occurring near Neptune and you may explore music and art during this time.

      • ❤ I've never thought about connecting with goddess, but this resonated with me. Thank you! Yes, I've always been more on the masculine side. The full moon was 1 degree from my sun last night. I've been sick and depressed lately, and I'm hoping this illumination will provide more vigor. Maybe goddess could be a helpful image. I write music, and find inspiration from women composers of previous eras. Again, thanks! XOXO

      • Hi SR,
        Thanks for your feedback. On a deeper level north node in Cancer could also be growing towards nurturing or teaching others, or opening to unconditional love as a source of musical inspiration. With Jupiter at 6deg13′ Scorpio in your 5th house you have some heavenly assistance with your music. With Pluto in your 6th house there could be some tumult to your physical being, and you are right that the full moon can provide healing. Between your Neptune and Sun, you may want to explore music as a tool for healing both yourself and others, and exploring the mind/body bridge. Take care! ~Ayala

  24. 20th February 1969. approx. 7pm. Famagusta, Cyprus


    • Hi Kat,
      The solstice occurred near your midheaven in your tenth house of career, and this will be an area of growth and expansion in the year to come. You have the moon and Saturn in your 8th house of reincarnation and you are being guided to use this lifetime wisely. You have many planets including a guardian angel in your first house of self. You have a brilliant and creative mind. Your feel a sense of service to others and this is where you find yourself, although this conflicts at time with your ego drive. You have your north node and Chiron at the first degrees of Aries in the 7th house, and you are beginning a new cycle that will build on your past lives, but that is something completely new. You may have a wound in the area of relationships, but this is where you will most grow and you will help others through your own experience. The full moon has illuminated something about your origins, and you will be empowered in the months ahead to grow more in to who you are and your unique mission during these times.

  25. 6/9/69…..Marshall, MO…..6:20am-ish (pretty sure that’s accurate)…..been feeling very tight across shoulders and neck recently, zero motivation at work, just a mess really.

    • Hi Dave,
      You have Neptune and Mars in your 6th house, which rules body, health and work. These are in hard aspect to Mercury in your 12th house, which rules the subconscious. Mercury is the planet of communication. It could be that you are getting messages or information from other realms that are weighing down on your health and day-to-day life. It would be beneficial for you to open up a channel to receive this information openly. This can happen through Jupiter and Uranus in your fourth house, which are heavenly beings who are here with you from another lifetime. Through prayer and meditation you can draw down assistance and receive intuitions from other spheres, and these will help you find inner reservoirs of energy which will heal you from within and help you find what is being asked from you at a deeper level at work. You have Chiron and Neptune moving through your 10th house, and it could be that your higher calling is being activated. You are motivated to help others in a deep way. By opening up to other realms you will both find more meaning in your everyday life and receive guidance about your higher calling. Blessings your way~ Ayala

  26. Einstein 11/28/81 5:24 pm north clarendon vt

    • Hi Einstein,
      Your sun is in your 6th house, and you express your identity most potently through your work, service to others, and through maintaining a healthy body. You need a significant degree of variety and change in the type of work you do. Your midheaven is in Aquarius, and you are drawn to technology, crossing new frontiers, and the new Human. There may be a woman from a past life or a feminine angel or presence that is supporting you. She may be affiliated with your mother, who may have been a strong figure in your life. Your north node is in Cancer, and embracing the feminine parts of yourself or finding unconditional love will be transfomative for you. The full moon occurred in your 7th house of relationships atop your natal moon, and this could be a time of enhanced emotions and yearning for or connecting with your twin flame. You have many creative powers, but perhaps some inhibition. Working out issues between mother and lover, and moving past internal authority structures, will help unleash these. You have planets indicating some powerful baggage from a past life, and a soul trajectory that reaches very far. The solstice has set you on a path that will bring you a deeper understanding of yourself, which will ultimately culminate in a deeper reunion with your twin flame.

      • Dear Ayala,
        Your reading is very good. I was wondering if you would be able to dig deeper in the definitions and explanations? your right about the service i do for others, my health, and the high vibrating energy I bring into a field, but what significant change is need in the work I do? currently I am working in technology so that fits with my Aquarius and Uranus on what my chart said… but right now I am going to school to buff up in this area so that I can be in a more lucrative position. not sure because i thought about money v.s. enjoyment and seems like money is ruling for now since joy based work doesnt make it easy to survive off of, or until the universe and myself make it possible. You as well as others has sensed the STRONG female energy that is surrounding me, including myself. I was wondering if you could explain a little more about her. She is very power and has even made a room full of healers awe. have been thinking about love and relationships a little stronger than before during this period thats for sure and I am aware of the great change it will bring me if I did, is this what you meant by twin flame? I am aware of my creative powers but what inhibitions do you see? Can you explain what past life issues (karma) is there and what I have to work out? I do know the age of my soul resonates from many cycles, maybe even off planet. Can you explain how and why you interpreted this? this “deeper understanding of myself will ultimately culminate a deeper reunion with my twin flame” can you elaborate about this a little more?

        Very good interpretations i must say. do you use your intuition on these readings?


      • Hi Einstein,
        Thank you for your feedback. I do use intuition in my readings, and the planets in your chart guide me to pick up certain information. I give sample readings for free or for donation, and I give full readings for $30. If you are interested, let me know and I can go more deeply into your follow-up questions.

  27. September 30, 1958
    8:45 am
    Nottingham, UK

    • Dear hereticsclub,
      Your north node is in the 12th house indicating that you are here for a particular soul mission which may remain hidden to you, but could be evident to those around you, as if it was “written all over you”. Your own identity is nested in your subconscious and you receive great stores of power from other realms. Some powerful experience from another lifetime may have imparted you with intuitive or psychic abilities which are readily available. It is important that your career involve spontaneity and individuality, and you may be a performer of some kind. You do not need much to get by, and could sacrifice comfort for being authentically you. You may be carrying a wound from home or a mother figure, and the solstice will help you in healing this, as will Jupiter’s transit through Cancer this year. You are a sensitive creature and ultimately will turn your experiences into a sensitivity to others and a longing for a home of your own with doors open to all different kinds of people. The energy from the alignments this weekend has energized your intellect and you are left with much to ponder. Discussing your ideas with others will be beneficial, to all parties involved.

      • Dear Ayala,
        Your reading is very good. I was wondering if you would be able to dig deeper in the definitions and explanations? your right about the service i do for others, my health, and the high vibrating energy I bring into a field, but what significant change is need in the work I do? currently I am working in technology so that fits with my Aquarius and Uranus on what my chart said… but right now I am going to school to buff up in this area so that I can be in a more lucrative position. not sure because i thought about money v.s. enjoyment and seems like money is ruling for now since joy based work doesnt make it easy to survive off of, or until the universe and myself make it possible. You as well as others has sensed the STRONG female energy that is surrounding me, including myself. I was wondering if you could explain a little more about her. She is very power and has even made a room full of healers awe. have been thinking about love and relationships a little stronger than before during this period thats for sure and I am aware of the great change it will bring me if I did, is this what you meant by twin flame? I am aware of my creative powers but what inhibitions do you see? Can you explain what past life issues (karma) is there and what I have to work out? I do know the age of my soul resonates from many cycles, maybe even off planet. Can you explain how and why you interpreted this? this “deeper understanding of myself will ultimately culminate a deeper reunion with my twin flame” can you elaborate about this a little more?

        Very good interpretations i must say. do you use your intuition on these readings?


  28. This is wonderful you are offering the insight!! Thank you in advance! My birthday is July 11, 1967 in Vancouver, BC. Canada. 🙂

  29. My birthdate is 8/12/79. I was born 7:30pm in brooklyn, newyork. I would like to know whats going on in my house that signifies relationships.

    • Hi Nadine, I’m no longer doing the solstice readings, but if you’d like a general reading, please check out my specials, and send me an email. Thanks! ~ Ayala

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